Situation - A resident, who was a known substance misuser, and whose children had been taken into care, subsequently lost their 3-bed property due to anti-social behaviour and drug activity. The resident relocated to a one-bedroom flat then had a Criminal Behaviour Order issued with conditions was imposed to prevent shoplifting in local businesses. A local focus hub referral was made in 2024 for ASB at the resident’s new address, and they had already committed 11 criminal offences that year.
Action - The multi-agency problem solving brought together the Housing Options Team, Recovery Steps, Probation, Police and Cumbria Gateway.
Regular multi-agency meetings were convened with the female to make the boundaries clear, clarify information is shared accurately to prevent manipulation of single agencies, and to help them understand the risk of non-compliance, i.e. losing their home and not being eligible to be housed by the homelessness team. Support was also offered around domestic abuse and risk-taking behaviours.
Outcome - No further calls to the police, housing enforcement action paused due to good behaviour, with the resident successfully completing Recovery Steps programme, therefore satisfying probation requirements.
The resident learnt to build relationships and resilience through Cumbria Gateway and is now feeling hopeful to restart access with their children.