Summer events extended across Cumberland

Fire officer


Previously, the Operation Respect events were held in the former Allerdale area – now there are several planned for the whole council area.

The Operation Respect events bring together residents, housing providers, the police, council and several other agencies. There will be fun activities, food, information, wellbeing support and a community clean-up – all with the aim of fostering good relations between communities and the authorities who serve them.

They are staged by Local Focus Hubs – partnerships set up to collaboratively tackle antisocial behaviour and improve community safety. The council, police, fire service, housing associations and third sector organisations work to address issues collectively.

The Operation Respect events will run from 10am until 3pm as follows:

  • Raffles, Carlisle – July 23
  • Beck Green, Egremont – Jul 31
  • Harriston, Aspatria – August 6
  • Westfield, Workington – August 8
  • Mirehouse, Whitehaven – August 21

There will be advice on budgeting, housing, crime prevention, health, fire safety, wellbeing and other issues, as well as free activities and healthy snacks.

Family Action will be on hand with activities and advice, and Active Cumbria will run sessions for the whole family. More details about what will happen at each event will be shared nearer the time.

As well as providing fun activities and access to support, the Operation Respect events will allow residents to chat directly to agencies, including the police, council housing agencies and others, about concerns in their communities.

Each event is led by one of the hub’s social housing providers – Castles and Coasts, Westfield Housing Association, Home Group and Riverside – and co-ordinated by Copeland Local Focus Hub, Carlisle Local Focus Hub or Allerdale Local Focus Hub.

Cumberland’s Executive Member for Sustainable, Resilient and Connected Places, Councillor Denise Rollo, said: “We know that these events are really valued by residents and it’s fantastic to be able to expand them to our whole council area.

“They are great not just for social cohesion – and a lot of fun – but also for the agencies involved. It allows us to meet face to face with residents, hear their particular concerns and show them a ‘human’ face.

“It also means we can bring together huge amounts of support in one place – these events are attended by a wide range of organisations who can all offer something to the community.

“There will also be sport sessions, activities and treats, such as free ice cream for children. We will be helping residents dispose of some items, to alleviate fly tipping, and there will be litter picking to take part in.

“Our Local Focus Hubs do a great job of bringing lots of organisations, who might otherwise have worked entirely separately, right into the community – that’s hugely valuable.

“I can’t wait to attend some of these events – they really foster local pride and I know residents have enjoyed them. The support our amazing residents give us with things like litter picking is great to see.”

Chief Inspector Jo Walker, of Cumbria Constabulary’s Cumberland Basic Command Unit, said “These events are a great opportunity for the community to speak to partners from the Local Focus Hub, as well as giving the hub partners a chance to visit local areas and understand the issues they are facing.  

“We take a partnership approach to tackle issues in our communities and work closely with organisations in the hubs. 

“I hope our communities take this opportunity to speak to us and partners so we can work together to tackle the issues they are facing.”

Cumberland Council has Local Focus Hubs covering the former areas of Copeland, Allerdale and Carlisle. Partners include Cumberland Council, Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue, Riverside, Westfield Housing Association, Castles and Coast Housing Association, Home Group, probation services and third sector agencies.