16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 25 November - 10 December 2024
This is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
All sessions are delivered via Teams. There is no need to book, simply log in at the required time.
What is Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and what are we doing to address it?
Monday 25 November (12-12.30)
Join Detective Inspector Michael Taylor from Cumbria Police to learn about VAWG and what the Constabulary are doing to address it.
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An introduction to Domestic Abuse Awareness
Tuesday 26 November (12-12.30)
Ali Goodfellow - Assistant Manager for Westmorland and Furness Community Safety Partnership will outline the definition of Domestic Abuse under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, the Homicide Timeline, Risk and MARAC and the offer from specialist services in Cumbria.
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Awareness Session – Domestic Abuse & Children
Babies, Children and Young People are defined as victims if they see, hear or are otherwise affected by Domestic Abuse.
Wednesday 27 November
Cumberland (1-1.45) Join Wendy Monnelly- Senior Manager- Cumberland Council’s Children and Families directorate to hear more on how to respond and capturing the voice of the child.
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Westmorland and Furness (2-2.45) Join Adam Dawson- Specialist Domestic Abuse Team Manager from Westmorland and Furness Council’s Children and Families directorate to hear more on how to respond and capturing the voice of the child.
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Controlling and Coercive Behaviour and the use of the Power and Control Wheel
Thursday 28 November (12-12.45)
Mary-Claire Telford- Strategic Lead- Domestic Abuse- Cumberland Council, will lead a session on identifying Controlling and Coercive-C&C- Behaviour, use of language to identify C&C is a factor and how to assess and evidence this.
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What is DARVO? - Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim Offender
Friday 29 November (12-12.45)
DARVO is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual and Domestic Abuse Offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behaviour. The session covers spotting the signs of DARVO.
This session is hosted by Sarah Place, Senior Operations Manager, Victim Support Cumbria.
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What is Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and what are we doing to address it?
Monday 2 December (12-12.30)
Join Detective Inspector Michael Taylor from Cumbria Police to learn about VAWG and what the Constabulary are doing to address it (this is a repeat of the session held on Monday 25th November).
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Controlling and Coercive Behaviour and the use of the Power and Control Wheel
Tuesday 3 December (1.30-2.15)
Mary-Claire Telford- Strategic Lead- Domestic Abuse- Cumberland Council, will lead a session on identifying Controlling and Coercive-C&C- Behaviour, use of language to identify C&C is a factor and how to assess and evidence this. (This is a repeat of the session held on Thursday 28th November).
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Awareness Session- Non-Fatal Strangulation & Non-Fatal Suffocation
Wednesday 4 December (11.30-12.30)
Non-Fatal Strangulation and Non-Fatal Suffocation (NFS). NFS is a high risk indicator of harm.
This session aims to raise awareness of recognising how victims may present, understanding risk and how to respond in order to support and safeguard victims/survivors and their children. The session is suitable for multi - agency frontline staff and for professionals with strategic safeguarding supervision/decision making responsibilities. The session facilitator is Yvonne Jackson, Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board.
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An introduction to Domestic Abuse Awareness
Thursday 5 December (12-12.30)
Ali Goodfellow- Assistant Safer Communities Manager for Westmorland and Furness Community Safety Partnership will outline the definition of Domestic Abuse under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, the Homicide Timeline, Risk and MARAC and the offer from specialist services in Cumbria. (This is a repeat of the session held on Tuesday 26th November).
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Awareness Session – Domestic Abuse & Older People
Friday 6 December (12-12.45)
Poppy Everton from Hourglass will provide an overview of Domestic Abuse and Older People, the barriers they face, including familial abuse and best practice when supporting older victims and survivors.
The session will show examples of cases and common themes seen by Hourglass.
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Awareness Session – Stalking & Harassment
Monday 9 December (12-12.45)
Bridie Anderson, former Police Officer and Force Stalking Advisor, provides an input on the key Stalking risk indicators to help recognise stalking and provides safety planning advice and explains the explains the support pathways available to victims/survivors.
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Domestic Abuse through the lens of those with Lived Experience
Tuesday 10 December (12-12.45)
On the final session in the 16 days of Action Against Gender Based Violence, Leanne Richardson- Co-Ordinator of the Domestic Abuse Lived Experience Network which is delivered by Barrow Women’s Community Matters (this is a Cumbria-Wide Network), takes us through what life is like for those who have experienced Domestic Abuse and that recovery is possible with the right support.
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