Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse priority

What is the issue


Crimes recorded under the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) that were identified as domestic abuse related, and incidents (domestic abuse reported to / investigated by the police that did not result in a crime being recorded under the NCRS) have seen a steady increase nationally (England and Wales), regionally and locally over the five years between 2018-19 and 2022-23. 

Domestic abuse safeguarding records provide a comprehensive picture at a local level. Safeguarding records include all identified domestic abuse crimes, reported incidents and cases where domestic abuse is identified. During 2022-23 a total of 8,272 domestic abuse safeguarding records were created across Cumbria, 4,708 of them in Cumberland. This represents a steady increase over a five-year period.

In Cumberland, the rate of domestic abuse safeguarding records per 1,000 population in 2022-23 is higher than the Cumbria and Cumberland average in three community panel areas (Carlisle West, Petteril and Workington Together). Between them these three community panel areas contain 21 of Cumberland’s communities (LSOAs) that are in the 20 per cent most deprived nationally. The five wards with the highest rates in 2022-23 all have rates higher than the Cumbria and Cumberland average (Currock, Castle, St Michael’s, Moss Bay and Moorclose, Kells and Sandwith); these five wards contain collectively 12 LSOAs in the 20 per cent most deprived in England.

The Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Needs Assessments 2022-23 highlighted the likelihood that the full extent of need amongst domestic abuse victims is not currently captured as under reporting may be a problem especially for male victims, those with disabilities, LGBTQ, young victims (16-18 years) and older victims (those aged 65+). The assessments also highlight rurality as a significant barrier for victims of domestic abuse, with services harder to access and rural societal structure making escape less likely resulting in rural victims of domestic abuse being half as likely to report abuse as urban victims. Just over half of Cumberland’s population (51.7 per cent) live in areas defined as rural.

Recommendations have been made by the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, via the report  DAC patchwork of provision DA - Search (, detailing how to meet the needs of victims and survivors across England and Wales 

The government response is here:  

DAC patchwork of provision government response - Search (

Cumberland CSP DA group will prioritise its strategy based on six of these recommendations.

What are we doing in Cumberland

Develop a clear strategy to reduce domestic abuse with an additional focus on work with perpetrators and Babies, Children and Young People. 

  • The strategy is being aligned with National priorities and following three pillars: Pursuing Perpetrators, Prioritising Prevention and Supporting Victims. It will reflect the 4 key areas for development as identified from the SafeLives System Review.
  • A multi-agency task and Finish Strategy Development Group has been formed.
  • A DA assurance Group has been formed to look at ongoing suggested areas for improvement following the commissioned SafeLives System Review.
  •  We are involved in the Domestic Abuse Commissioners Pilot looking at systematic learning from Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews-DARDR’s. The findings of this will inform new national DARDR guidance.

Enable partners to continue supporting people suffering from domestic abuse

  • Completion of a Learning and Development plan, featuring training on Responding Well to Domestic Abuse (multi agency) and DA Matters (Cumbria Constabulary).
  •  A learning and development report is being written covering Jan 24-Dec 24 to gauge reach and practice barriers.
  • The CSP supported the 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence where we held 12 sessions reaching approximately 600 professionals. The sessions included DA Awareness, Controlling and Coercive Behaviour, Babies, Children and Young People as victims of Domestic Abuse, DARVO, Non-Fatal Strangulation and Non-Fatal Suffocation, DA and Older Adults, Stalking and Harassment, DA through the eyes of those with Lived Experience. These sessions will be repeated twice a year.
  • A partnership DA financial risk register is being collated to put us in an informed position to identify gaps / funding opportunities. 
  • In July, we held the first DA conference in over a decade. Over 200 Survivors, Professionals and Policy makers from across the sector, increased their knowledge and understanding of the risks and barriers faced by survivors and victims of domestic abuse. 

Ensure victims and survivors can access support to prevent them becoming repeat victims.

  • Our learning and development approach ensures supporting victims is consistent across Cumberland. 
  • The MARAC Assurance Group is to be re-established, widening the scope to non-MARAC cases.
  • An ‘Offer’ workshop is being arranged and recorded so professionals and the public have access on where to seek support, thresholds and referral processes.
  • The Lived Experience Network continues to be consulted on any emerging system or practice changes.